Purchases for the month of May. The above image, or lack thereof of my personal purchases, should be a hint at how little restraint I appear to have had this month. One "small" Topshop order, and one Ashley Fogel sale were where most of the damage (in terms of numbers) was made. After this month, I've finally realised that I'm not the type of person who can just 'stop shopping', no matter how much I wish I was, as it appears to be just wishful thinking.
It will probably come as no surprise that I have little inclination to share the total number of purchases, although it could be argued for the sake of continuity that I should. It's had me contemplating the necessity of some, if not all my purchases, and the resilience to refrain from spending in what is essentially a consumer-driven world.
Some of my purchases, were things I had been keeping an eye out for, either for the purpose of wearing it over winter, or because I had missed out on it when it was in the stores. Others serve more as a novelty, injecting some extra colour or interesting prints to the generally muted palette in my wardrobe. I was also forced to once again pull from the depths of my wardrobe garments that I did not often wear, or was on the fence about, to sell so that I could make up some (or hopefully all) of the cost of my purchases.
It is times like these that I genuinely admire those who seldom buy things, or are extremely careful in their choices, considering all other options before finally pulling the trigger. This isn't to say that I regret buying the things that I did, but I do wish that I didn't want so much. I suppose you can't have everything!